ScalerFab Welded Steel Replica Winch Front Bumper for Axial SCX10III Jeep CJ-7
Trail Bar & Stinger options available.
Expertly crafted metal front bumper designed specifically for Axial Adventure's SCX10 III Jeep CJ-7. Made with durable metal for a realistic scale appearance and unbeatable performance. Provides the lowest approach angle while still allowing for a bumper-mounted winch.
- 80mm wide
- Requires removal of stock bumper mount/plate. Bumper fits into the ends of the C-Channel and mounts using existing holes in frame.
- Includes Pre-drilled mounting holes for winch (RC4WD WARN 9.5cti and 8274 Winch, 3Racing Winch, and SSD Ox Power Winch mounting pattern)
- Steel construction - Hand Made/Welded.
- No fore/aft adjustment

ScalerFab Welded Steel Replica Non-Winch Front Bumper for Axial SCX10III Jeep CJ-7 Trail Bar & Stinger options available.
Expertly crafted metal front bumper designed specifically for Axial Adventure's SCX10 III Jeep CJ-7. Made with durable metal for a realistic scale appearance and unbeatable performance. Provides the lowest approach angle without sacrificing strength. Don't worry about running a winch - this bumper is designed for maximum performance.
- 80mm wide
- Requires removal of stock bumper mount/plate. Bumper fits into the ends of the C-Channel and mounts using existing holes in frame.
- Steel construction - Hand Made/Welded.
- No fore/aft adjustment

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ScalerFab, Inc.
Apartado postal 130
Dividir, CO 80814
Los reemplazos y/o reembolsos generalmente se procesan dentro de 5 a 7 días hábiles luego de la recepción del artículo. (La dirección se reserva todos los derechos)